
Danish Comedy Days, April 1-3, 2016 
The Danish Cultural Institute and The Royal Danish Embassy in Riga in cooperation with cinema Splendid Palace cordially invite You to the “Danish Comedy Days”, April 1.-3, 2016. The opening of the “Danish Comedy days” will take place on April 1st, 6 PM with screening of “Klown-the Movie”, a highly provocative comedy by Mikkel Nørgaard. Looking forward to seeing You in the “Danish Comedy Days”!
Nordic Day - Ambassador's Panel Discussion 
The Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Latvia organizes an ambassadors’ panel discussion, marking the celebration of the NORDIC DAY. For the Nordic countries it is a special occasion, highlighting the Helsinki Treaty signed on 23 March 1962 and forming the basis for Nordic co-operation.
In Latvia the occasion will be marked on the Nordic Day’s eve, March 22 at 17:30 PM, at Hotel Bergs (Glass Hall), 83/85 Elizabetes Str., Bergs Bazaar. Among discussions themes: Nordic – Baltic cooperation, the challenges of Nordic countries today and possible future development.
The speakers’ panel will consist of Nordic Ambassadors to Latvia: H.E. Mr. Hans Brask (Denmark), H.E. Mr. Olli Kantanen (Finland), H.E. Mr. Steinar Egil Hagen (Norway), H.E. Mr. Henrik Landerholm (Sweden).
The discussion will be moderated by Mrs. Rita Ruduša, Executive Director of the Baltic Centre for Media Excellence. The discussion will be followed by a reception hosted by Mr. Jan Widberg, director of the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Latvia. Please note that the event will be held in English.
Latvian Export Award - to the "Baltic Candles" Ltd. 
The "Baltic Candles" received the Latvian Export 2015 award.
The 2nd Latvian Export Awards organized by the Export Council of Latvia completed its program late last year. 22 Latvian companies were granted the prestigious Latvian Export 2015 award.

The Latvian Export 2015 award adds value to the company, emphasizing its achievements in the local and export markets. The Export Council of Latvia organizes the competition to express gratitude, evaluate and remind of Latvian companies, manufacturing and exporting high-quality goods and services, thus bringing the name of Latvia to the world.
Exhibition "Life's Jorney" by Danish Graphics Artist Yvonne Gerner 
The Danish Graphics Artist Yvonne Gerner is opening her exhibition "Life's Jorney" on November 09, 2015 at 16:00 at the gallery "Makslas Banka", Jauniela 14, Riga Old Town. The exhibition will be open until November 21, 2015. Insight in her art: yvonnegerner.wordpress.com.
Hans Brask - the New Ambassador of Denmark to Latvia 
On August 17 the new Ambassador of Denmark to Latvia, Mr. Hans Brask has started his duties in Riga.

Hans Brask (53 years) has just celebrated his 25th anniversary in the Danish Foreign Service and Latvia will be his first posting as Ambassador. Hans Brask has moved to Latvia with his wife and two children.

Before coming he has served as Head of Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Copenhagen and as Director for Baltic Development Forum in Copenhagen.
The World-knowned Danish organist Jakob Lorentzen in Riga Dome - August 26! 
On August 26th 2015, at 19.00, the city of Riga will have the pleassure of welcoming world-renowned Danish organist Jakob Lorentzen. Lorentzen will be performing in the beautiful settings of the Riga Dome Cathedral, which is known for its organ by E.F. Walcker&Co built in 1883 and 1884. Lorentzen is in Riga to celebrate composer Carl Nielsen’s 150 years birthday, and will be performing some of the composer’s pieces among others.
The Shop "kalhoj" opened in Sigulda - the Open Door Event - August 22! 
The "Baltic Hospitality Group" in connection with its office and showroom has opened the shop "kalhoj" in the start of the summer in Sigulda. There you can find wine glasses, crockery, cutlery, interior items, fun and unique gifts, wine from Italy, delicacies from France and a lot more for yourself, friends, family, business partners and employees!

The opening will be celebrated on August 22 and everyone of course is very welcome.
February - Latvian Candle month in Dobele! 
February is traditional Latvian Candle month and the February 2nd - the Candle Day!

"Baltic Candles" has opened their renovated shop in Dobele and candles are available now with 30% discount!
The Director Jens Thogersen: "Come to Dobele - buy good quality candles at reasonable price, visit Tervete`s park - covered in white snow and stop at the cozy nice restaurant Putel Krogs! That way you'll have an excellent holiday with your family!".
Nordic Contemporary Architecture Exhibition NORDIC ID  
From 18 September to 11 November, the Latvian Museum of Architecture in Riga, will host a Nordic Contemporary architecture exhibition NORDIC ID. Nordic architecture is known for its attention to the beauty of landscapes and the respect for nature. "Nordic ID" asks what is today's Nordic identity and how it is reflected in architecture. The project is a collaboration with curators from Denmark, Norway, Finland and Estonia who were asked to offer their own versions of the Nordic identity. Every curator chose five architecture projects that would express the answer.
A Research on Cultural Differences in Nordic Baltic Business Organizations 
Dear Sir / Madam,
In order to gain new insights for successful business development in the Nordic Baltic region, personnel management company Talentor in cooperation with Nordic Chambers of Commerce in all three Baltic countries is conducting a research on Cultural Differences in Nordic Baltic Business Organizations.
Therefore, we kindly ask you to contribute your opinion and complete the following survey: http://talentorlatvia.com/nordic/eng
It will take about 15 min to compete the survey. The due date for completing the survey is September 20, 2014.
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Danish Chamber of Commerce in Latvia, Pils iela 11, Rīga, LV 1863, Latvia;
e-mail: dcc@dcc.lv, ph.: +371 22002977
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