
10/03 Business visits to Jelgava
06/05 Denmark's Constitution Day Celebration - Summer Party
04/25 Visit to PLH architects (Riga new Central Railway Station)
03/22 Annual General Meeting
11/10 Danish Mortensaften Celebration 2023
10/15 PLH arkitekter A/S New SILVER members
10/12 Visit Danish Businesses in Malpils, Adazi and Riga.
10/09 Anrijs Matiss - New Individual Member
10/05 Henrik Porsborg - New Individual Member
08/29 How will the war in Ukraine end and what does it mean for business in the short and long term?
06/05 Denmark's Constitution Day Celebration - Summer Party
04/24 info DCC 2023
03/24 DCCL Annual General Meeting
03/13 SIA "AZ Elements" joins the DCCL
03/01 Phytopresso SIA joins the DCCL
02/15 Silvex SIA joins the DCCL
02/01 Andis Šadurskis joins the DCCL
02/01 Nordic Baltic Business Forum "Strengthening Resilience & Bolstering Crisis Preparedness in the Nordic-Baltic Region”
01/18 AE Partner has joined the DCCL
12/08 Gløgg og æbleskiver på vandet!
11/11 Danish Mortensaften Celebration
10/13 Visit Danish Businesses in Liepāja!
09/21 Nordic Days in Cēsis!
09/13 "Recession and Stagflation? Latvia's Economy in 2023" by Morten Hansen
06/05 Denmark's Constitution Day Celebration - Summer Party
05/12 NBBF ”Sustainability and Innovation in the Real Estate & Construction Industries”
05/03 "Security Situation in the Baltic Countries from a Military Perspective"
03/25 Jens Thorup continues to Chair the DCCL
03/24 Annual General Meeting of the DCCL
03/17 Fund Raising Screening of the Award Winning Film “My Favorite War”
01/19 Key Latvian tax changes as of 2022
12/08 Exhibition opening "Voices of Violence"
11/29 "Baltic Candles" - honored as the “Entrepreneur of the Year in Zemgale 2021” (medium/large business)
11/10 Danish Mortensaften Dinner
08/25 Ties Through Time: Denmark-Latvia
04/29 Online Discussion “Improving the Health of Latvia’s Health System" with Daniels Pavļuts, Minister of Health
04/20 DCCL Annual General Meeting
04/16 Webinar "Real Estate Market in the Baltics - a Crisis or an Opportunity caused by Pandemic?"
03/24 Nordic Approach to the European Green Deal
03/24 Nordic Approach to the European Green Deal
12/22 Safe Christmas and a Happy New Year!
11/09 Traditional Danish Mortensaften
11/02 Due to the Covid-19 situation in Latvia there are no any upcoming social events in 2020.
09/29 DCCL Annual General Meeting
09/24 Nordic Days in Rēzekne, September 24-25
06/10 Nordic Go-Kart Championship 2020
06/05 Danish Constitution Day - June 5
04/28 Capturing Emerging Opportunities in the Post-Crisis Period by Rožkalns, Director of LIAA
03/04 The Wind of Change: "Economic and Financial Outlook" by Martins Kazaks, Governor of the Bank of Latvia
02/25 "BREXIT and the Economic Implications for Latvia" by Morten Hansen
01/28 Seminar "Tax Update" by KPMG Baltics AS
01/15 FICIL Sentiment Index 2019 presentation
12/13 "Feel of the Danish Style Xmas" - gløgg og æbleskiver
11/08 Traditional Danish Mortensaften
10/03 Nordic Days in Jelgava - "Biomass. Energy. Transport"
09/23 Welcome Meeting with the Danish Ambassador Flemming Stender
09/18 Joint Chamber Business Luncheon with the Prime Minister of Latvia, Mr. Krišjānis Kariņš
09/10 Circular Economy in the Nordic-Baltic Region: How far have we come?
06/12 Nordic Go-Kart Championship 2019
06/05 Danish Constitution Day Reception
05/13 The Contribution of Danish volunteer soldiers 1919 - lessons learned from history
04/09 "Latvia's Economy in 2019: - where problems are a) few, b) home-grown, c) mostly avoidable" by Morten Hansen
03/27 Nordic Leadership - Is It So Special?
03/12 Annual General Meeting of the DCCL
03/06 A Business Luncheon with Janis Bordans, Minister of Justice
02/25 "Danish and Baltic Military Cooperation" by Colonel N.H. Johansen, Danish Defense Attaché to the Baltics!
02/23 Danske Bank closes down its banking activities in the Baltics
12/18 Dansk gløgg og æbleskiver - get the taste of Danish Christmas feeling!
11/27 Learn about LIAA's Support for Business
11/09 Traditional Danish Mortensaften Dinner
10/04 Nordic Baltic Business Forum 2018
09/27 5G Techritory Forum in Riga
09/20 Pre-Election Debate at a Joint Chamber Dinner
08/17 Danish Barbeque Evening
06/26 A Seminar on "GDPR - How does it affect Your Company" - by KPMG Baltics
06/14 EAST BEND Company SIA in Latvia changes its name to HAUGAARD Baltic SIA
06/12 Nordic Go-Kart Championship 2018
06/05 Denmark´s Constitution Day Reception at the Ambassador´s Residence
05/22 Visit to "LSC Shipmanagement" SIA
04/27 Visit to "Madara Cosmetics" Factory
04/10 "Around the Latvian Economy in 80 Slides" by Morten Hansen
03/14 Annual General Meeting of the DCCL
02/27 Announcement from the Foreign Investors' Council in Latvia
02/21 Dinner Meeting with Maris Kucinskis, Prime Minister of Latvia
02/11 Fastelavn - Danish Costume Party for Children
01/11 Seminar "News in Latvian Tax System 2018" by KPMG Baltics SIA
12/06 Danish Gløgg and æbleskiver at Valdemars Hotel
11/10 Traditional Danish Mortensaften Dinner
10/17 Visit the Fish Factory "KH Select"
10/06 Nordic Baltic Business Forum 2017
10/05 DK Defence in the Perspective of the Security Politics of the Baltics
06/14 Nordic Go-Kart Championship 2017
06/05 Danish Constitution Day
05/31 Nordic Day
05/26 High Council Meeting of the FICIL
05/10 Cancelled - seminar Local Election 2017 - How It Works and What to Expect
03/02 DCCL Annual General Meeting
02/26 Fastelavn 2017
01/31 Amendments to the Tax Laws 2017: KPMG Baltics SIA
11/11 Traditional Danish Mortensaften
11/02 Nordic - Baltic Business Forum 2016
09/28 Latvian Real Estate Market - Risks and Opportunities by LATIO
08/24 25th Anniversary Reception in honor to Diplomatic Relations of Denmark - Latvia
06/08 Nordic Go-Kart Championship 2016
05/31 Joint Nordic Celebration & Concert
05/26 FICIL's 20th High Council Meeting
04/21 Opening of the Photo Exhibition “Monumental Motion”
04/20 Joint Chamber Dinner with Mr Maris Kucinskis, the Prime Minister
04/04 Meeting at the DK Embassy about Defence and Security Issues
03/10 Annual General Meeting
02/07 Fastelavn - Danish Costume Party for Children!
01/21 Amendments to the Tax Laws 2016 - presented by Experts of the KPMG Baltics
12/10 My!Europe - Conference: “Migration – Refugees and Labor”
11/13 Investment Climate in Latvia: Perspective of Foreign Investors - Presentation of the FICIL Sentiment Index 2015
11/10 Nordic Baltic Business Forum 2015
11/06 Traditional Danish Mortensaften
10/28 LIAA Global Investment Forum in Rezekne
10/08 Curling Masterclass, Mini Tournament and Networking - postponed to January/February, 2016
09/22 Meeting with Hans Brask, Ambassador of Denmark to Latvia
06/11 4th Nordic Go-Kart Championship
06/05 Danmark's Constitution Day Reception
05/26 Joint Chamber Panel Debat - Latvia Selects Next President
03/25 Mogens Jensen, DK Minister for Trade and Development visits Riga
03/03 DCCL Annual General Meeting
02/15 Fastelavn - Danish Costume Party for Children
01/15 Seminar "Recent and Upcoming Amendments to the Tax Laws as of 2015"
12/06 Dansk Julefrokost til alle danskere i Letland
11/07 Danish Traditional Mortensaften
11/04 Nordic Baltic Business Forum 2014
10/23 Nordic Bowling Tournament
10/01 A Concert of Nordic Tones
09/23 Company visit to the Salmon Fish Concern "KH Select"
09/05 Danish Chambers of Commerce Network in the Baltics
08/26 Economic Outlook by Nordea Bank
06/11 3rd Nordic Go-Kart Championship
06/05 Danmark's Constitution Day Reception
04/09 Visit to the Chocolate Museum of Factory "Laima"
03/27 DCCL Annual General Meeting
03/02 Fastelavn - Party for Children!
02/06 EU Funds for Businesses - Andris Ozols, LIAA
01/28 Business Lunch with Valdis Dombrovskis
01/16 Seminar "Recent and Upcoming Amendments to the Tax Laws as of 2014"
01/15 2014 Changes in the Corporate and Individual Income Tax Law and the VAT Law
12/07 Dansk Julefrokost
11/13 Lars Christensen, Danske Bank in Riga
11/08 Traditional Danish Mortensaften
10/17 Nordic Bowling Tournament 2013
09/05 Davis Golf Style Academy
08/28 Nordea Bank Business After Hours
06/14 Invitation to the Grill Party - Members only!
06/14 Nordic Go-Kart Championship in Latvia
05/31 Danish National Day
05/30 FICIL High Council Meeting in Riga
05/28 A Welcome Reception of the 15th Baltic Development Forum
05/07 Exhibition in Honour to Soren Kierkegaard's 200th Anniversary
04/04 Seminar "The Importance of the Nordic Languages in Latvia and Baltic Region"
03/14 DCCL Annual General Meeting
02/25 Seminar "Digital Marketing. Trends and Tools"
02/16 Fastelavn - Party for Children
01/24 DNB Business After Hours
01/22 News of the Latvian Tax System
11/09 Traditional Danish Mortensaften
11/06 Joint Chambers Business After Hours at Nordea Bank
10/18 Nordic Bowling Tournament 2012
10/04 Latvian Macro Situation and Outlook 2012-2014
09/13 A Lecture "Assessment of Latvia's Internal Devaluation: Successeful? Lessons for other Countries?
08/27 Meeting with Villy Søvndahl, the Danish Minister for Foreign Affairs
08/18 Joint Chambers' Golf Tournament
08/17 Nordic Go-Kart Championship
06/05 Denmark's Constitution Day
05/25 Company visits in Dobele
03/29 Company visit to "Fariga Seafood"
03/23 Danish Film Festival
03/15 Business After Hours at the DNB Bank
03/13 DCCL Annual General Meeting
02/19 Fastelavn
01/29 A concert to honour the Danish EU Presidency
01/17 Changes in the Latvian Tax System as of 2012
01/06 Concert - Nielsen Shostakovich String quartet "ViVioCe"
12/03 Ægte Dansk Julefrokost for alle Danskere i Letland!
11/24 Transfer Pricing (documentation): Latvia in an EU Perspective - Quo Vadis?
11/11 Traditional Danish Mortensaften
10/20 Nordic Bowling Tournament
10/14 Scandinavian Symphonic Music Concert lead by Frans Rasmussen
10/11 Business culture development and sound lending as parto of it by SEB
09/22 „Practical Guidance on Avoidance of Headache When Employing in Latvia”
08/31 A Seminar "Boost your sales with 5 simple steps. Understanding your possibilities and making the most of them" by Regus
06/03 Denmark's Constitution Day / Summer Party
06/01 Opening of Regus Business Center
05/22 Nordea Riga Marathon 2011
05/19 FICIL High Council Meetings
05/05 Conference "Green Growth in the Baltic Sea Region"
04/15 Danish Film Days 2011
04/05 Seminar "How Insurance can Minimize Your Business Risks? by ERGO
03/24 DCCL Annual General Meeting
03/10 Expatriate Tax Planning 2011 in the Baltics
03/06 FASTELAVN Party for Children!
02/22 Economic Outlook by Lars Christensen, Danske Bank
01/25 Seminar "Recent and Upcoming Amendments to the Tax Laws"
11/25 “VAT refunds - problems and solutions in Latvia”
11/06 Danish St. Martins Evening
10/28 Cancelled - „Mediation – a win-win conflict resolution!” by Hans Boserup
10/14 Nordic Bowling Tournament
10/14 Scandinavian Cuisine Week at the restaurant "La Boheme"
10/07 Business Environment and Banking Sector Outlook in Latvia Presented by Nordea
09/21 A Discussion on Saeima Elections with Maris Zanders!
08/27 Visit to Saeima Building
06/08 Visit to Aldaris Brewery
06/05 Summer Party / Denmark's Constitution Day
05/27 FICIL 14th High Council Reception
05/23 Nordea Riga Marathon - May 23!
05/15 CO2 E-Race Riga - A Parade of Environmentally Friendly Cars
05/13 2 Days Business Trip to Liepaja
05/06 Seminar „EU Structural Funds Support for Enterprises"
03/23 DCCL Annual General Meeting
03/23 Informal Discussion "Doing Business in the Baltics"
03/16 Riga Commercial Real Estate Market Overview 2010
03/04 Seminar "Expatriate Tax Planning"
02/16 Seminar "Effective Debt Enforcement" - changed date!
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DCCL Business Gold Members:

Danish Chamber of Commerce in Latvia, Pils iela 11, Rīga, LV 1863, Latvia;
e-mail: dcc@dcc.lv, ph.: +371 22002977
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