
Discussion of the Latvian Program for Modern Industrial Policies 
The Latvian Ministry of Economics and the World Bank would like to cordially invite you to a
Venue: Conference Room, Radisson Blu Hotel Latvija,
Elizabetes 55, LV-1010 Riga, Latvia

Date and Time: December 13, 2012 from 9:00am to 11.30am

15th Baltic Development Forum Summit Riga 29-30 May 2013 
Competitiveness, investment and business develpoment in the Baltic Sea Region are the main topics of the upcoming 15th Baltic Development Forum Summit taking place in on May 29-30, 2013 in Riga. More information
Jazz Music Frank/Pashkevich Duo  
PASHKEVICH management group and the Danish Culture Insitute invites to a jazz concert of Frank/Pashkevich Duo at the music club „Artelis” on November 17th, at 19:00. This is a possibility to experience intimacy and charm of this essential musical cooperation.
Chillin Month's Jazz Nights at restaurant Elements 
Karlis Visockis, one of chefs at the Restaurant "Elements" won the Latvian Chef of the year 2012 title. Now the restaurant (at the Tallink Hotel Riga) has decided to present the winning menu with live jazz events. The performers are a group of young Estonian jazz artists for the first event on 19.10.2012, one of the best Estonian jazz quitarist Mr. Ain Agan on26.10. and a Cuban quartet on 02.11. and 09.11.2012
Dāņu valodas darbnīca Eiropas Valodu dienas ietvaros 
Šī gada 4. oktobrī no 14:00 Dānijas Kultūras institūtā gaidīsim ikvienu interesentu ciemos, lai kopīgi pavadītu pēcpusdienu Dāņu valodas darbnīcā, bet 16:00 K.Sunī demonstrēsim Suzannas Bīras "Labākā pasaulē"

Tā kā Eiropas Valodu dienas tēma šogad ir Hostin the World, kopā ar Latvijas Kultūras akadēmijas studentiem šogad tiks veidotas vairākas mazas darbnīcas/workshops, kur interesenti varēs iepazīties ar dāņu kultūru un vidi.
Pan-Baltic Gencs Valters Law Firm on US- Latvia Tax Treaty, Avoidance of Double Taxation 
Pan-Baltic Gencs Valters Law Firm, with offices in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, held together with their partners from USA seminar How to do Business in the United States of America. Seminar has been held 19 September 2012 in Radisson Blu Ridzene Hotel, Riga.
Representatives of Frost Brown Todd LLC from Cincinnati, Ohio presented their views on entrepreneurship relations between US and Latvia. Attorney Joseph Dehner spoke about possibilities for Latvian companies to enter the highly-competitive US market via strategic alliances and attorney Susan Grogan Faller spoke about costs of litigation in US. Two lawyers practicing law for more than 70 years combined provided valuable information about every day reality of business in US.
The 1st Nordic Go-Kart Championship is just to start with! 
The 1st Nordic Go-Kart Championship in Latvia took place on August 17 at the Sports Complex "333" gathering 26 participants. This event gave nothing else just positive emotions and adrenaline for a while. The participants were mainly from the Finnish and Danish Chambers of Commerce in Latvia.

All participants were driving 3 times - approximately 7 laps (1200m/lap) each time. We started with warm-up, followed by the qualification and finished with a final.

The winner of this Championship became Pekka Mykkanen, Chairman of the Board, FCCL with a total time of 8:53.764 for the final;
An art exhibition "Truth, Myth and Bull" 
The Danish Cultural Institute is hosting an art exhbition "Truth, Myth and Bull" by Yvonne Gerner and Skuja Braden. The exhibition is open on working days from April 26 to June 2 from 10:00 to 16:00 at the Danish Cultural Institute, Bergs Bazaar, Marijas iela 13/3, 1st floor, Riga.
New round open to applications for Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Business and Industry  
Would you like to do a study visit, to have an internship or to organize networking activities in the Baltic and Nordic countries? If you work in business and industry you can now apply for a grant for 2012. The joint Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Business and Industry promote economic cooperation, innovation and entrepreneurship to strengthen the global competitive power of the Nordic-Baltic region. The Programme gives financial support to SMEs, business incubators and organizations in the fields of business and industry to carry out study visits, internships, training or network activities.
Fines of LVL 250-500 to apply for violations of property status declaration procedure 
RIGA, Feb 23 (LETA) - Saeima today passed in the final reading amendments to the Administrative Violations Code, introducing fines for violations in residents' declarations of their property status.

The amendments stipulate that fines of up to LVL 250 will apply to residents who fail to submit their property status declarations, fill out the declarations incorrectly or fail to declare part of their properties or savings.

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Danish Chamber of Commerce in Latvia, Pils iela 11, Rīga, LV 1863, Latvia;
e-mail: dcc@dcc.lv, ph.: +371 22002977
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